Coderoulette a new way to code

This service was created by the slogan of “The most bigs challenges of humanity has in front can not be solve by individues instead it will be solve by colaborating”. The two creators of this new tool are Ariel Camus and Miriam Muros. The sofware allows that two unkwon developers colaborate to solve a challenge in any language of code. This tool is similar as Chatroulute but for developers.


Know I will show you how to use this sofware.

1 – Enter to the next link:

You should see this screen.


2 – The next thing is to enter with your github account.


3 – Then Authorize the applicationblog2

4 – Then select your level of skill


5 – Select the languges of programing that you know


6 – Select the languge that you want


7 – Know solve your first challenge.blog6


After using this sofware after 2 hours I can say that it is a great tool for challenging you in the language that you want to learn.


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