Digital Security Divided

This is a new word that I learn in a Ted talk about the case that Apple has between the FBI. This work refered to a digital barried that is between a small percentaje of the human race but this barrier is not about apple it is about how the information is not encrypted and more than 2 thirds of the global community are exposed. The problem is that more economy wealth people are protected and the poor ones aren’t.

The thing that you may thinking is what is this important to me if I don’t care if my cat photos are compromissed. Well probrably you are not in trouble but let’s see this case that comes to my mind. The movement Black Lives Matter is mainly conduct by person that have not a lot of money so probraly they have Android phones. So any hacker can access to their phones and sell that information. This think is not about thecnology it is about ethics and how all person should have access to all the security that by the constitution they have.

This is the video, to see it click in the image.


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